Sunday, August 09, 2009

Thailand Part 5 (Chiang Mai)

Chiang Mai

Flying Thai Air throughout until leaving Thailand to come home, we found that going up to the counter worked just fine. Flying from southern Thailand to the north was $87.00 one way for the 2hr flight. Again, traveling on large 777's from site to site.

Cultural night; Bev is dreaming of American foods; Burger King? :-)

more from the evening...

and more...

and yet more...

Temple high above Chiang Mai; where were you when you were reading?

More sites from the Temple.

Fruits, stairs leading to and from the Temple.

Silk work as well as a 700 year old mote found around "old Chiang Mai"
Evening comes and the streets are lined with these "booths", seen below to the right.